
Tuesday, September 1, 2009

André Bauer - Gay Gay GAY?!?

Gay activist Mike Rogers, who has a pretty good track record of exposing hypocritical closet-cases (he was the first to out Larry Craig), BLOGGED yesterday that South Carolina Lt. Governor André Bauer is gay.

I'm a reporter. I meet with people and I talk to them. Then based on a review of all of the facts, I report closet cases that hurt the gay community. You may not like my style, but I have a track record of 100%. And for those reasons I am now able to confirm a rumor that has circulated in South Carolina for years. South Carolina Lt. Governor Andre Bauer is a closeted anti-gay politician who stands to replace Mark Sanford should Sanford resign or be impeached (a real possibility as Sanford is caught in his own sex scandal.)

This was picked up by The Huffington Post yesterday. And at the end of their post, HuffPo did an “Around the Web” link list of related blog posts. And holding the top spot on that list?...

DAVID DUST: Lt. Gov. André Bauer – ‘Confirmed Bachelor’?

Yes Biatches, the most popular blog on the interwebz linked to the tongue-in-cheek photo essay I did back in June!

It turns out that if you Google “Andre Bauer Gay”, that post comes out at or near the top. In addition to HuffPo, I was also linked by Joe.My.God and Feast of Fools - and traffic to DavidDust has skyrocketed.

Welcome newcomers! We would love for those of you who are not Republicans and/or Asshats to join our little BunnyNation community. Also, if you have a problem with Arby's and/or Hot Papis then you should definitely leave now...

But the rest of you - come on in and stay awhile!!!


  1. Wow, how righteous for Sanford to be replaced by a gay man.....cannot tolerate the hypocrisy of the right.

    Progressives Rule!!!

    LB anon

  2. C'est moi, c'est moi LolaSeptember 1, 2009 at 12:48 PM

    Congrats, Master Dust Bunny. Soon you will take over the internets!

    P,b! -<

  3. Now if Bauer would just go on and come out, that would be ever so much better.

    Congratulations and WOW! A link on HuffPo! You are in the big time now! Your new readers are in for a treat if they like Project Runway, too.

  4. Huff Post had an article about Kenley this week. They are very into fashion and think our David should submit a PR recap to them,,,
    you have all the talent and the rare ability to really make people laugh...
    LB anon

  5. Exciting to be linked by HuffPo!! Congrats Mr. Dust :)

  6. wow congrats! And in looking at your June post, I see I was the first commenter, AND I was flirted with by another commenter! (Back when I had a face pic!)

  7. Too cool! Can I say that I knew you when? XOXO Beth

  8. OMG, that is awesome!! David Darling, you are SO avant gard.
