
Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Featured Model - Charles Justo

Charles Justo, 28, is a model and personal trainer who lives in Miami. Check out his MySpace page HERE.


  1. Why are they always "and a personal trainer"? Is that code for escort, or what? Cute, tho.

  2. Brent -

    I think they work as personal trainers because:

    a. In many cases they can't make enough money just from modeling.

    b. They're going to be at the gym anyway - might as well get paid for it.

    And trust me, if I know for a fact that one of these models is also an escort, I promise to say so :)


  3. who knew the human body could look like that, huh? just perfect. amazing too!

    I love how catty you are tranny! cuz you KNOW i wanna know which ones are "escorts"!!!! ;)

  4. This cat is one of those 'pretty MF'S' that gets all the girls including mine, attention at the party!

    I used to wish that I could look as good at that! I am sooo jealous!

  5. he is beautiiful lol. Yeah I remember my days as a PT, and MR. Dust is right; to look like that you do have to spend AAAAAALLLLLLLLLLLLLL
    day in the gym so you might as well get paid for it. Also, if you are gay (which im in no way saying any male model whom has not said other wise is ... lol )what better hook up place. You're already hot, sweaty, and half naked, so most of the battle is all ready won lol. ok im stopping now lolol

  6. I went to highschool with him. He's a really nice guy. :-)
