
Wednesday, September 2, 2009

"Pastor" Claims All Gays Are Pedophiles

"Pastor" Steven Anderson (above) of the Faithful Word Baptist "Church" of Tempe, AZ is the idiot who got national attention by telling his congregation that he prays for President Obama's death.

Anderson's nightly prayer probably goes something like this...

Now I lay me down to sleep.
I pray the Lord my soul to keep.
And if it's not too must to ask,
could you please kill that black guy
who is making all us backwoods inbreds
crazier than a sack full of ferrets?

This "man of God" (barf) displayed his gentle and loving brand of Christianity again during an interview with openly gay journalist/blogger Michelangelo Signorile. It seems that Anderson is convinced that all gay people are pedophiles. Period. End of story.

Here is a transcript of a portion of their conversation (and I'm seriously not making this part up)...

MS: You know, I'm gay..I'm gay, and I don't molest any children. What do you think of that?
SA: Well, I'd say you're lying.
MS: You think i must be molesting children, right?
SA: Exactly, right.
MS: Do you pray that I'll died tonight?
SA: If you're a homosexual, I hope you get brain cancer like Ted Kennedy.

How can ANYONE consider this guy a Christian?

I don't wish brain cancer on Steve Anderson, but I DO hope that his five children grow up to despise and shun him for his disgusting beliefs. And I also hope at least one of them turns out to be a fabulous, non-pedophile, homersextical.

h/t to Joe.My.God.


  1. I'm not sure which is worse... the fact that this guy is such a douche, or the fact that he has "followers"!

  2. Tranny...I just don't have anything to say about this. How do you try to explain true insanity and craziness??? there is no expalnation for this. WHAT A NUT CASE!!!!

    In my experience....Gay people/couples who adopt children...they are so grateful to ahve a family and want to be parents so darn bad, that they would never ever think of abusing that child. and so called straight parents who are supposed to be "the best parents" are killing their kids daily....WTF???

    I love ya Tranny!


  3. what is this guy's obsession w/ brain cancer? it's oddly specific and he it seems he wants everyone he disagrees with to be afflicted by it.

    you know, it's said that people often make assumptions about other's actions based on what WE do (or would do)... w/ that in mind, i move that this "religious" guy ~ i'm NOT calling him a christian as to not offend christians ~ is probably a pedophile his damned self. who wants to bet we see him in a year or so getting his computers seized live on cnn?


  4. That man is not a Christian, no matter what he calls himself.

    And your prayer reminded me of this. Have you seen it?


  5. David you're a better man than me. I don't wish brain cancer on Anderson; I wish testicular cancer on him. Yes, that's right: the Behr is e-v-i-l. Which, incidentally is l-i-v-e spelled backwards. You know, as in "live and let live," something Anderson does not understand.

  6. I'll bet anyone 5 bucks that this guy is getting it on with some male assistant. His anti-gay remarks is just the way this closet-case is dealing with his internalized homophobia. Just give it a few months, and the news will break. He's another Ted Haggard.

  7. He will burn in hell for his awful comments. Why is it ok for people like this to say whatever is on their mind, but we have one parade once in a while and we are freaks!

  8. Mama Bunny sez:

    The first thing I learned in Sunday School (many, many years ago) was this: God is love. This man does not represent God.


  9. What a horrible person. Why is it that people can claim they are Christian, and then say anything they damn well please. We know a few folks that fit that mold.

  10. I would love to sell tickets to this man's final meeting with God.

  11. I agree with Gar. I think this guy is closeted, just like Ted Haggard was. It seems like the things that people ostensibly hate the most are the things that they see in themselves.

    Holy crap...that was actually kind of profound and insightful. :D XOXO Beth
