
Wednesday, September 2, 2009


I received my copy of Eric Arvin's novel, Subsurdity, and I'm looking forward to tackling it over this long weekend. The book comes highly recommended, so I can't wait to read it. I'll let you know what I think when I'm finished...


  1. I just finished reading it last week. It IS great! I gave it a glowing review on my blog and I can't wait to read the upcoming sequel!

  2. ok so your the 3rd or 4th post I have seen about this book...I guess I should go out and get it...Let us know how you like it!

  3. I CAN'T wait to see what you think of the book. I loved it. And girl you know Eric has a sequel coming I think next month.

  4. They set the date (as of right now) for the release of SUBURBILICIOUS (SUBURBS + DELICIOUS) for Sept 18th. Mark it on your calendars! (Sorry about the promo whorring, David ;-))
