Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Ch-Ch-Ch-Ch Changes

First off, I'm just going to say that I HATE change.  I've lived on the same block for 15 years (in a city where people move constantly) and have held the same job for 10 of the last 12 years.  Change freaks me out - and I try to avoid it at all costs.

But I found out last night that I must move, and therefore I'm in a panic.  And, depending upon the NYC Housing Court System, this could happen in a matter of two weeks or so.

Without going into details (which I really cannot do), I did think this might happen eventually - albeit not so soon.  And I will also say that I'm not a victim of some lowdown slumlord.  So, again, this isn't a total shock.  But it's CHANGE, and thus I am freaked.

Furthermore, those of you who've seen my Hoarders-worthy "bedroom" know how much crap I must go through, organize, and pack.  For those of you who have not witnessed my mess, consider yourselves lucky.

So, I gotta get busy.  I need to figure out what in the hell I'm doing with myself, all my stuff, and my two cats.  And I gotta figure out how to pay for whatever I decide to do. So during this period of time I won't be blogging as much - or commenting on your blogs.  Or Twittering.  Or sleeping.  But I WILL be constantly worrying and in need of carbs.  So there's that...

I just KNEW that happy-ass Weigh-In post YESTERDAY would jinx my life.  Remind me NEVER to be so friggin' upbeat and optimistic.


kayce. said...

ughhhh ~ don't worry. as one who went through a move while also trying to be healthy, let me just say: you'll be burning so many calories that cheating a little won't hurt.

but i'm so sorry to hear that this all has to happen so quickly ~ it makes the whole thing worse. and i'm like you: change is uncute, especially when i don't have time to get used to it! i know you're resilient, though, and will manage fine. i'll be hoping and praying that this whole situation is happening b/c something better is coming your way! :)

Sozo's Blog.com said...

OMG that's horrible. I know you said it was kinda sorta expected but two weeks is a short amount of time and New York isn't cheap. Good luck me friend, keep us posted. We love you.

the dogs' mother said...

You need a big hug. Wish I could give it to you. Will be thinking good thoughts. I so understand the change fear thing.

Miss Ginger Grant said...

While you're making changes, why not make BIG changes!? MOVE TO TEXAS!!! You will LOVE it here!

Bob said...

It might be a helluva commute, but there's a lovely guest suite at Casa Bob y Carlos in Smallville.


Good luck with the move. You're like me. I lived in my first apartment in San Francisco for 10+ years!
Of course, I've moved four times in the last ten years.
Go figure.

Amber LeMay said...

Hang in there Double D... happy thoughts from Beaver Pond are beaming your way. At times like this I always tell myself... Things can't get better if things don't change.

Big Mark 243 said...

My heart goes out to you, Man. Can't fathom being in a situ where the housing commission in a justifable way asking me to move...(though as for that, I CAN imagine what it is like to be asked to leave by a cohab partner..!)

The difference is that you can and prolly did have a sense of permanance to your living arrangement. Since you are a self professed anachronism, that has to be unsettling.

Well, I hope that you get settled and have a great result of any actions taken. At least 'Glee' comes on tonight... I have been keeping watch for the past few weeks so I don't miss the Madonna show!!


Anonymous said...

Aw, that sucks. I hate change, I hate moving and I hate the anxiety that comes with those things.

Deep breaths. And remember, carbs will not pay you to eat them, nor will they find you a new home. They are total slackers that way.

Psychomom said...

Make a list of what you really want in your new home. You'll find it if you know what you're looking for. Hang in there and if you really need, you can come live in my guest house in the crazy southwest NM desert. Now that would be a change!!!

Happy 4-20! That could help??

Beth said...

Oh, what a pain to have to worry about this! I hope everything works out and you find your new home quickly. Sending you big hugs! XOXO

Wonder Man said...

I hope things work out. Maybe Jersey City could be an option?

Kyle Leach said...

Well that is a royal pain. Two weeks! I'm hoping you have very good resources David; I'd be sacred shirtless. You're smart and innovative though, I'm sure you'll be fine. Here's hoping the packing and moving ends up being fairly painless. Maybe in the end it will all be for the better?

Sam said...

HO MOVE WEST!! I have space in my luxurious "hazelish" guest room here in Number 9's downstair maids quarter. I'll move some stuff and we can both start over new, that's if Bill doesn't come back and sweep me off my feet.
You have several options, huh? Thought you had considered moving to the West Coast?

Joy said...

Moving is a good way to get rid of stuff. Sorry it's so sudden and that you don't have much time, though. I'm wishing you all the good luck there is in the universe and sending you many hugs!!!


Mistress Maddie said...

Jesus H Christ!!!! That damn bedroom! And your suppose to be out this year right??? Now I done told ya and told ya it just wasn't fittin to keep all that shit. You should have had me come up and help organize and help clean. Hell I could have had that huge bag of mixed up tube socks mated in like two hours!!!!!! I'll call ya.

MJ said...

It WILL work out.
Will send positive vibes your way.

Ken Riches said...

Great attitude, hope it all goes smoothly.

Guardian Hearts said...

I'm sure everything will work out eventually :))) You can do it! :))) It may sound stupid but sometimes it's good to think that things happen for a reason and something better is awaiting you. :)

Mark in DE said...

Sorry you have to move!! Hope the organizing and packing go well.

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