
Thursday, June 10, 2010

I Thought MY Move Was Difficult ...

For some reason Young Min decided to move from Queens to Manhattan's Upper West Side via the SUBWAY (taking the 7 train with a transfer to the 1 train at Times Square). Min enlisted a group of (now former) friends to help haul his "air conditioner, collapsible double-rod closet, dishes, laptop, linen, quilts, books, clothes, assorted framed pictures, a soup cauldron, Korean medicine, condiments, and a 40-pound bag of rice.  Mid-trip, the air conditioner broke through the trunk holding it."

But when Min called around for help with moving other items, his "friends" wouldn't return his calls.


  1. I read this earlier and thought of your move. You totally should have organized another DustBunny Weekend and ambushed those of us who made it up with a Super Fun Subway Moving Party! lol. :)

  2. Dwight gets my vote for Best Evil Genius Dust Bunny.

  3. Next time he should call DHL. Or any moving company.
