
Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Cher Talks Politics

Cher gets interviewed in December's Vanity Fair, and as you would expect, the Diva has some opinions:
On Sarah Palin:
"I got so obsessed with [C-SPAN] that it was kind of interfering with my life. Sarah Palin came on, and I thought, Oh, f**k, this is the end. Because a dumb woman is a dumb woman.”
On Arizona governor Jan Brewer:
"She was worse than Sarah Palin, if that is possible. This woman was like a deer in headlights. She’s got a handle on the services of the state, and I would not let her handle the remote control."
On taxes:
"I would be willing to pay a lot more taxes, because I make a lot more money, but I don’t want to give them more to just f**k things up more. It really should fall on people like me to get together and do things to help the people in this country. If you’re not worrying about how to put food on your table, you [should be] worrying about why other people don’t have food on their table. I remember a great America where we made everything. There was a time when the only thing you got from Japan was a really bad cheap transistor radio that some aunt gave you for Christmas."


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