
Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Listen to a Living Legend

Congressman John Lewis is a veteran of the Civil Rights Movement and a living legend ... heed his words and VOTE:

My apologies to all you international DustBunnies living in places where it's not Election Day - but I plan on bugging the crap outta everyone here in the U.S. so they GET OUT AND VOTE!


  1. i LOVE my congressman... john lewis being in charge of my neighborhood makes living in midtown atlanta that much MORE awesome. and needless to say, i voted for him ~ the long-time incumbent ~ this morning.

  2. No need to apologise. We're as horrified at the thought of the morons in the tea party getting their chance as you are.

    can anyone explain how Obama has been likened to Hitler, but Glenn beck's ranting hasn't made him a target for the same comparison. When he cries like a baby does no-one think he resembles one of those lying, cheating televangelist frauds? Who the hell with a brain believes his crappy message?
