Friday, November 12, 2010

NYC's Abandoned 'City Hall' Subway Station

From HuffPo:
If you ride the 6 train to the end of the line and get off at the Brooklyn Bridge stop, you're missing out on something incredible. As the train loops around to go back uptown, it passes through an abandoned and beautifully preserved City Hall station from 1904.
The city closed the station in 1945, mostly because at its height only 600 people a day used it, and because the loop created an unsafe gap at the platform. In 1995 the city vowed to restore the site and turn it into a part of the transit museum, but those plans were scrapped years later.
The station is still not open to the public, but there's a trick you can use to see it for yourself. Until recently the MTA would force passengers to get off before the train made the loop, but now passengers are allowed to stay on. So the next time you reach the end of the line, keep going.

I am totally doing this.


Cubby said...

It looks like a movie set. When you do it be sure to takes lots of pics.

David Dust said...
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David Dust said...

Cubby -

I absolutely will. Although I'll have to take pictures through the subway windows, so I bet they won't be as fantastic as these.


Anonymous said...

I've been getting very interested in abandoned subway stations (which are plenty, it seems) so I'm going to make a point of going into the dark and taking my own shots of Old New York.

City Hall looks fabulous.

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