Thursday, December 2, 2010

Wee Spel Gud In Qweens

On my way to the subway this morning, I noticed the sign above on the open door of a small food stand on Steinway Street. I passed it and had a chuckle, but then decided to take a picture of it. So I turned around, and noticed THIS sign on the OTHER side of the door ...

I wonder if they sell Checkin Gayros or just regular Gayros??

To make matters even more funny/sad, this small food stand shares an address with Popeye's CHICKEN and may or may not be owned by the same people!!!


SailorAlphaCentauri said...

That made my morning! I'm glad I saw that!

the dogs' mother said...

When I noted the headline of your post I thought German bakery, what tasty morsel did David find today.

Mr.Mischief said...

Maybe they also sell the "sccented candals" I saw at the hardware store an hour ago...

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