
Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Anyone Got A Few Hundred Million Dollars They Could Loan Me ??

Apparently this news is a few weeks old, but Wendy's/Arby's is looking to sell off their less-profitable Arby's division. What the corporate geniuses don't realize is that Arby's would be EXTREMELY profitable if they would simply put one near my job and another near my apartment. BOOM - instant profitability.

Anywhore, if anyone has a few hundred million dollars they can part with, feel free to click on the DONATE button on the right sidebar of this blog. I'm sure the IRS would have no problems with me receiving a sum containing 7 or 8 zeros via PayPal. And when I buy Arby's, I'll put up a pretty plaque in your honor, right under the Satisfaction Bell.

In other Arby's news - I found out that Arby's held a launch event/tasting for their new Angus Three Cheese and Bacon sandwich (below) here in NYC yesterday, and I WAS NOT INVITED. Not a week goes by that I don't mention my favorite fast food joint  restaurant  DINING EXPERIENCE, and yet I'm not on the Arby's VIP Press List?!? That really hurts.

And don't think I won't remember this when I own the company. When it comes to delicious Roast Beef, I NEVER forget...



  1. Shoot!
    If only we hadn't adopted that cat. It took most of our savings, otherwise.....


  2. Sistah:
    If I had that kind of money, I would buy Arby's myself, THEN build a unit near your apartment and one near your subway stop at work. A gurl's gotta earn a living, and a gurl's gotta eat!!!

    I would, however, hire you as Special Events Coordinator for the Astoria location! I'm all about taking care of family!
