
Thursday, March 10, 2011

My New Prized Possession

A fortune-telling Arby's Oven Mitt toy!!! Isn't he adorable?!?

Up until a couple weeks ago, I had never purchased anything on Ebay. My philosophy, especially since I moved to Queens almost a year ago, has been "I do not need any more junk". Besides, my mother does enough buying on Ebay for the both of us.

However, while searching for a picture of the Arby's Oven Mitt mascot for a blog post, I came across this little plastic toy. It was being offered on Ebay for a whopping 99 cents (plus $1.95 shipping and handling) - so I bid on it and got it for the 99 cent asking price!!

It is just the cutest thing. You ask a question, press down on the little guy's "thumb", and a wheel inside of him spins. When you release the thumb, the "answer" to your question appears in his "mouth". It's exactly like those Magic 8 Balls from back in the day...

Apparently the little guy is part of a set of 4 Arby's toys from 2003 - which are currently being offered on Ebay (check them out HERE). But I've resisted - after all, I DO NOT NEED MORE JUNK. Even roast beef-related junk from my favorite dining establishment.



  1. You are a loyal Arby's minion you are.
    I have had no luck selling on Ebay or buying on Esty (or however it is spelled) I stay away from both.

  2. He's so cute, and he has a job!
    I say he's a keeper.

  3. What a quirky little doo-dad!
