
Thursday, March 10, 2011

Top Chef All Stars Ep. 13 - Random Thoughts

No recap this week (sorry Bunnies) - but I just wasn't feeling it last night. Here are some random points - feel free to agree, disagree and/or discuss in the comments.

  • The "Compete Against the Winner of Your Season" Quickfire challenge was a great idea.
  • Hearing Hosea whining about proving to "The H8terz" reminded me why I was never fond of The Hose. Well ... THAT particular Hose anyway.
  • Richard Blais is a damaged man. I'm serious. Was he THAT psychologically wounded by his loss to Stephanie during his Season Four? [SPOILER ALERT: Yes].

  • I totally believe that Blais spent untold hours before going to the Bahamas researching and preparing every Bahamian fish dish imaginable. Preparation is admirable, but if you've gotten to the point where you "hate everything I f*&king do", then stop doing it!! Richard seems like a sweet person, but it's always the guy like him who opens fire in a crowded shopping mall. Avoid shopping malls at all costs if Blais loses Top Chef All Stars. Is all I'm saying.
  • How does an episode with a kitchen-evacuating fire end up being so damn boring and uneventful?
  • I just CAN'T with Bighead Mike.
  • Tiffany kept referring to "Bohemian" (instead of "Bahamian") royalty. Which, of course, put Queen's "Bohemian Rhapsody" in my head for hours. HE'S JUST A POOR BOY FROM A POOR FAM-I-LY... Yep, it's still thereThanks Tiff.
  • Loved how they crammed Padma, Tom, Gail, Her Boobies, Ripert, and the King of Jumanji (or whatever) all in a booth made for 4 people during service. Interesting that they gave the smallest person (Padma) the most room at the table.
  • Finally, I'm so sad to see Carla go. Unlike Richard, there is such joy in Carla and Carla's cooking - which seems like a much healthier way to go through life.

What did YOU thing about last night's episode? Discuss...



  1. I, too, noticed that Blais had seemed to go off the deep end- even his face looks all sunken in and axe-murdery! If he loses, he'll probably find a way to taint the world's supply of scallops!
    In Tiffany's defense, the whole cast was saying Bohemian, including Tom and Padma. And, since I had seen the Venn Diagram, I knew that the Queen of England rules over the Bahamas, so I never fell for that whole "you're cooking for royalty" edit.

    We haven't seen the last of Carla. If Bob Tushman has a bone in his mealy little body he will hire her to replace that obnoxious Rachel Ray on Food Network!

  2. Daughter and I were both commenting on how hard it must be to be married to Richard. I felt so sorry for them having to do the whole elimination challenge again on the same night. It must have been beyond exhausting. Reality TV stars need a union!

  3. I loved Richard during his season and even though Stephanie was my favorite to win I felt bad when he lost. However, he is annoying the fire out of me this season when he keeps repeating that "I was the best chef on my season", "Everyone remembers my season because I lost" crap. Steph won as many challenges as he did and she deserved the win. Losing his season has made him a bitter, joyless person. It has taken everything that was personable to him and turned him into a mohawked douche.

  4. I was heartbroken to see Carla go but her grace and class was amazing (unlike Marcel, who went out as bitter and unlikable as he was on the show). Richard really needs therapy because he is this close to completely losing it (and yes, I'll stay out of shopping malls in Atlanta if he doesn't win). The guy has taken intense to a whole new level and it is a little creepy to watch.

    Oh, and "The Hose" was an ass in his season and it doesn't appear anything has changed. There's a reason for all the hate, Hosea.

  5. I.Hate.Mike.
    I like Blais. i think, with Top Chef and a baby coming and his need for redemption, he's gone a lil bit cray-cray.
    I was sitting there watching at the end, saying, "Anybody but Carla....anybody but Carla,"
    And then the judges crapped in my Hootie Hoo!

  6. I didn't want Carla to go and next wanted Antonia to stay. How has Big Head Mike kept winning challenges? I'm worried about Richard and applaud the comment by Fire and Ice. Spot on!

    I wondered about cramming all of them into that booth, too. Strange. Interesting show.

  7. I agree that Richard is turning into the guy you want to avoid standing next to on a crowded subway car, let alone someone whose food you would want to eat...
    Carla was really the heart and soul of this season, and a good deal of the reason for watching has been lost with her departure.
