
Thursday, March 10, 2011

Republican Shenanigans In Wisconsin

After weeks of saying that union-busting was part of an "urgent" budget issue - Wisconsin Republicans took all that "urgent" budget/monetary stuff out of the bill. This, they said, allowed them to vote without any Democrats present - and that's what they did - all of a sudden - last night. Please watch this video from Rachel Maddow - she explains what happened:

Then go to Daily Kos (HERE) and find out what you can do to help correct this injustice. They are raising money for the Wisconsin Democratic Party's effort to recall Republican Senators. They also explain the upcoming Wisconsin Supreme Court election which will determine the makeup of the court - a court which will determine the legality (or lack thereof) of this end run around democracy. Please READ IT and do what you can.


  1. I was just thinking of doing this very post & now I don't have to, you did it perfectly. I will be sending my readers over to view this post.
    Thanks David!

  2. It really does boggle the mind. Bring on 2012!

  3. They are doing this to us here in TN, too. I hope those bastards commit political suicide with all this greedy crap. Good post!!
