
Tuesday, March 1, 2011

RIP, Jane Russell

Ernestine Jane Geraldine Russell, the Hollywood bombshell more commonly known as Jane Russell, has left us at the age of 89.

I will always remember her as Dorothy Shaw in Gentlemen Prefer Blonds. And here is, of course, my favorite scene of the movie:

And YES, I know she turned out to be a crusty conservative Republican gasbag, but my Mama taught me not to speak ill of the dead (I speak PLENTY of ill about the living, thankyouverymuch). For now, I'd just like to remember Ms. Russell as a great movie star with an extremely pretty face and even prettier boobies. Is that so wrong???...



  1. Well said David,
    My crowd is gushing so much that I think I'll let this death pass without comment...
    I just adore the campy Jane too, but that Jane died along time ago....

  2. That scene is that movie was ridunculous!! It was SO GAY it even makes ME squirm!!
