Friday, April 29, 2011

Hail Britannia

Best wishes to His Royal Highness Prince William and to Ms. Kate Middleton on their impending nuptials. THIS Queen, however, will be fast asleep when Wills & Kate say "I Do" - unlike some of my friends who'll be getting up in a few hours to watch the live television coverage.



nitrox11 said...

And us Brits are up already. Some have pledged to only let liquids containing champagne pass their lips today. I wonder who they could be *hic*

Mistress Maddie said...

You know I was up watching and probably will all day! I should have had Vera here so we could sip on tea and eat krimpets all day, or at least a Stella Der! You know we would be kackling like hens at all the fashion and pomp!!!! I even got out my lace hanky to shed some tears!

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