
Monday, June 13, 2011

"Ask Some Drag Queens" On Your iPhone

A couple of weeks ago I told you about Ask Some Drag Queens, the fabulous phone app which features the lovely LeMay gals answering questions for anyone with a Droid phone - which you can download HERE

Well in addition to Droids, the Sisters House of LeMay has just gotten permission to offer this great phone app on iPhones - which you can now download HERE.

And remember, not all of the proceeds will go toward vodka and mascara - a portion will actually go to help young cancer survivors. So go ahead and download Ask Some Drag Queens for your iPhone NOW.



  1. Ok. I'm going to take a chance and spend that .99. Lol. It's worth a wonderful cause!

  2. Oh David, David, David... before Lucy Belle figures out how to use a computer and chastise herself...

    Margaurite and I are "The Sisters." Our cousin Lucy Belle moved to Beaver Pond as a foreign exchange student from Mississippi many, many, many years ago.

    So, since just two of us are "sisters" so as a group we're known as "The House of LeMay."
