Monday, August 15, 2011

"Oooooh ... It's SO BIG!"

Miss Marcus acting like this is her "first time" with a big sausage. Girl ... you ain't fooling nobody.

Thanks to DustBunny Nick for sending this in.



Bob said...

Miss Thang is just waiting for Wonky Eyes to look away so he can deep throat it.

nitrox11 said...

What a dysfunctional family. Really, the Government should legislate to stop these kind of people...

designing wally said...

This is much better than the other one....
"Don't worry Ladybird, I'll be gentle..."

Beth said...

Oh, these just slay me. In the space of a weekend, we saw Michele stuffing one down her throat, Marcus pretending to not be able to eat anything THAT BIG, and Rick Perry chowing down on one.

I have resolved to never eat a corn dog except in the privacy of my own home.

Joy said...

Methinks he doth protest too much. And look how she's helping him with it. Corn dogs and the Candidates!!!

Princess said...

That hand looks like it's had to hold more that a corn dog!

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