
Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Heading To My Homeland

At 7:30 this morning I'll be getting on an Amtrak train bound for Central Pennsylvania - land of SALTY SNACKS, TASTY MEATSPURPLE EGGS and the place where I was born. I'm all set for a nice long Thanksgiving visit with my friends, family and all the local Arby's employees.

And as long as Papa Bunny's computer cooperates, I should be able to continue posting throughout the week.

Happy Trails!!!!



  1. Enjoy, David! Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours! XOXO

  2. Watch out for those Amish Hos I've heard they have been showing out lately. Some have even been charged criminally. Hate for one of them to wish you away in a buggy to some dark secluded barn.
    Anyho have a fabulous turkey day sis

  3. Have A Great Time!

    Gobble Gobble...


  4. Hope you have a great Turkey Day. Looking back at your posts isn't funny how we have such ties to the food we grew up with.

    I grew up in Michigan, and we had ring bologna (baloney) too, but it also came pickled, and the regular was used for sandwiches or made in to ground bolonga, where as the pickled was the staple for the cheese and cracker trays. My aunt now lives in Massachusetts, and it is so funny that as soon as she and my cousin get back to Michigan, they have to stop at Meijer ( the original Walmart) and buy some pickled bologna, even before they get to my mom and dads.

    That and Vernors

  5. That ringed meat looks like the summer sausage Poppa G used to buy every holiday to make his "cheese board" that he served with cocktails- when I was a kid, I loved the salty meat, and it made me feel so grown up to eat with a toothpick!

    Now, the toothpicks go in my cocktails- but I still miss Poppa G and his "cheese board"! Don't think I've had one since he died....
