
Thursday, November 24, 2011

Things I'm Thankful For

  1. My health (AKA "Not being dead")
  2. Modern medicine (see #1)
  3. Mama Bunny, Papa Bunny, Brother Bunny - and my entire Bunny family.
  4. All my wonderful, witty, charming and sexy DustBunnies (yes, if you're reading this, that means YOU).
  5. My "In Real Life" friends - many of whom are also DustBunnies.
  6. Arby's roast beef. And the "3 Regular Roast Beefs for $5.00" special at the Arby's near my Dad's house.
  7. GMHC - for providing me with a free Therapist and a free Nutrionist. Note To Nutritionist: please ignore Item #6. Also Item #9.
  8. Being employed.
  9. Amish potato salad.
  10. Gorgeous men.
  11. Dollar stores.
What are YOU thankful for?



  1. in a word, everything!

    enjoy your vaca!


  2. I'm thankful for a wider array of cyber friends than I would have had if Al Gore had not invented the internets. (Sorry Al but it just wrote itself.)xoxoxooxo to all of David's bunny relatives.

  3. David Dust!

    Oh, and a bunch of other stuff, like family, health, employment.

  4. Happy thanksgiving HO!! I love you Sis.
    You forgot #11
    Being my Sis!!!!

  5. Thankful for my family and all my online friends.

  6. At the risk of sounding cheesy, I'm grateful for you and your incredible blog. Stay healthy - the blogging world would miss your views -- positive, negative, snarky, etc. -- were you not part of the process.
