
Sunday, January 8, 2012

Mama Bunny's Pequeño Baño

I took these pictures of my mother's adorable downstairs powder room while I was in PA over Christmas. Isn't it cute?!?

Prior to her redo, this was just your standard, bland bathroom. But Mom decided to go all "south of the border" up in there, and the results are fabulous.

Related: What is it with my family and redoing bathrooms??



  1. Is it me, or in that second picture, is that a carrot in the stained glass?
    I mean, it's a Dustbunny house, so..........


  2. Wow! And there is a carrot in the stained glass window :-)

  3. I love the tile and sink, too.

  4. Before I got to the last line in the post, I thought to myself, "This bathroom makeover thing is all in the family." Because I remember the before of your bathroom and the after photos you posted? Fierce. I am thinking that when I win the lottery, I need you and Maddie to come on out here to put the final touches on my stuff.
