Tuesday, January 24, 2012

New Obsession - Fage Greek Yogurt With Honey

My Nutritionist strikes again! Recently she recommended Greek yogurt as something that was healthy and packed with nutrients. Of course I balked, because we all know that healthy stuff cannot possibly taste good. Or can it?...

Anywhore, I tried the Fage brand 2% yogurt with honey and it’s absolutely DELISH. The honey comes in a little compartment on the side that you dump on top of the yogurt before pigging out. Seriously, I can’t believe this crap is good for me.


the dogs' mother said...

Is part of my breakfast along with blueberries and blackberries :-)

Greg said...

I like to sprinkle some Grape Nuts in mine for a little crunch.

Also Chobani is a good brand. It's often cheaper than Fage (at least in my grocery store) and they have more different flavor combos.

js said...

Hi, David.
Yep, as far as I remember it's lowfat and has much protein. I always buy some when in the US. I take the Chobani with cherries...

mrs.missalaineus said...

we get the chobani at cosco for like 89 cents a container- i eat the blueberry, then straberry, then peach last (because i think it's gross but i eat it anyways, go figure because it's 'good for me')


Mistress Maddie said...

I love this stuff and have it most morngings!!! I love the necter of the gods in it, it taste so much better, and I do mean the honey! I somethings put in some granola for texture, but you now I'm a bird!

nitrox11 said...

Just don't make the same mistake I did of calling it 'Fayge'. Apparently, in Greek it is pronounced 'Fie-yeh'.

(OK, cue someone else to come along and tell me I'm talking crap!)

soulbrotha said...

I just bought this today for the first time and then I come here and you are talking about it! Spooky. Anywhore, it is the creamiest yogurt I have ever eaten. Yummy!

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