Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Daddy Of The Day - Adam Rodriguez

The Cast of CSI Miami

Adam Rodriguez, from CSI Miami, was one of my first Daddies of the Day. And he is still one of my all-time favorites – even though he has the bad habit of sometimes wearing silly hats.

CSI Miami is one of those shows I love because it doesn’t require you to think too hard. They ALWAYS find some ridiculous “needle in a haystack” piece of evidence that neatly solves the crime at the end of the hour. And even though series star David Caruso is an ASS (his father is a regular at my restaurant – and even HE thinks his son is unbearable!), looking at Adam Rodriguez makes it all worthwhile.


Angel said...

Tranny, I could look at him all. day. long!! He is super fine...I love a Latin Man!!

Tranny, I bet you have lots of stories to tell about that restaraunt!!! ;)

Timmy said...

what? no shirtless pics?

David Dust said...

Dust Bunnies can be SO demanding! Trust me Timmy, if I could find one I would have posted it!!

Note to all - send any and ALL Adam Rodriguez shirtless pics to daviddust@gmail.com.


Mark in DE said...

Mmmm, I agree with you! I don't watch the show, but Adam is definitely a Papi Caliente!!!

Mark :-)

Anonymous said...

David's father walked on his own children when they were toddlers - how can he judge David?

Joy said...

I would watch that show because of many actors on it that I like, but I just can't stand David Caruso and have to cover my eyes when he is on there. Even seeing what I'm missing can't get me there. :-( I couldn't watch NYPD Blue until he left the show,but then Jimmy Smits came aboard and wooo hooo!


Anonymous said...

What does that tell you about HACK David Causo when even his very OWN FATHER thinks he is unebarable? LOL

Cole said...

Like lacyleanne who posted 3 POSTS in a row?

This poster clearly thinks Adam R. is hot and Caruso not. Ad you won't change that no matter how hard yo try. LOL

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