Monday, August 11, 2008

White Meat Monday Daddy Of The Day - Michael Phelps

I am going to try and feature as many Olympic Hotties as I can this week - and my first one is superstar Michael Phelps. Did you see the USA beat those French bastards in the relay?!? It was très exiting - and it totally shut up the boasting French team.

Michael Phelps is the "ugliest" hottie I have ever seen. His ears stick out, his teeth are messed up, and his mouth is huge. But more often than not, he manages to look sexy as Hell. I guess having the ultimate "sexy swimmer's body" helps a lot.

He also seems like an all-around good guy.


Anonymous said...

Nothing about Michael Phelps should be hot- yet he is! I agree with you! That's waht makes him the quintessential hottie!

Joy said...

Yes, that was an exciting race, and our team won by a fingertip! How exciting!! I loved it!

Linda Merrill said...

Vive L'Amerique! or something like that. I love France, but was happy as hell that our guys beat those bastards - if only because they were so cocky before the race.

I keep wondering about Michael's ears. They must get pushed forward under the bathing cap, as opposed to being pinned back?

Cuz_I'm_The_Mom said...


This guy gives me lady wood.

Anonymous said...

charisma is such a big part of attraction. Bet my phenomes would come alive if I were near him. Nice choice of photos, David

Cliff O'Neill said...

First, yes, he's a great athlete and all.

But, as for the Phainting over Phelps ...

See, that's the thing about people having varied tastes.

I, for the most part, am not among those who swoon over his looks. Just not really my taste. And, oddly, it's his face that I found most sexy.

me said...

he looks hotter when wearing that swimming cap. helps combat the fuglies

theminx said...

The boy's torso is at least 4ft long! Freaky!

And...he's from my neighborhood. :)

Anonymous said...

Meh...I'm not that into him. But I was totally cheering when America won...wait, no, I was snoring. Shit. There goes my patriot award.

Anonymous said...

Oh heck, I just read cuz_i'm_the_mom's comment. Lady wood! LMAO!!!

Mark in DE said...

HA! We are in synch. Before seeing this post I selected Michael Phelps as my Crush du Jour, and have several other 'Lympic hotties planned for the next 2 weeks.

I agree - Phelps isn't gorgeous, but he's sexy.

Mark :-)

Marker said...

Hey DDust -

I agree, you wouldn't think he's hot but somehow he is. I like his mouth and his smile. AND he was extra-hot doing his primal scream yesterday.

How about giving us some shots of Jason Lezak, the daddy (in relative terms, he's 32) who anchored the team and had that super-human finish? STUD!!

J'adore la France, mais pas ses nageurs arrogants! [You were saying something about smashing the Americans? What was that? The Frenchies were hot as well but they need to keep their mouths shut for a number of reasons.]

Angel said...

OMG!!!!! WHAT A RACE THAT WAS!!!!! I thought Michael Phelps was gonna blow a gasket!!!!

But..nah.....doens't do a thing for me. sorry.

Meeg said...

I think the Yosemite Sam 'stache was an interesting move.

Unknown said...

Actually, I kind of like the 70s porn-stache look on him.

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