I kid, I kid. Actually, my parents never left me alone in a bar ... they brought my little brother along to keep me company.
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Hahaha! Well, hey, it probably taught you responsibility as you made sure little bro didn't stick his head under the beer taps, right?
Oh you should have written about it David. Lord I remember countless bars and endless hours I sat in waiting for my folks. It wasn't sinful then- it was just where they held caucuses for poor men's politics. The places just happened to serve alcohol, a kind of social KY.
damn, my parents moved twice while I was at school, thank god I found them.
LOL Thanks for the laughs! (except for Charlie with his Dickensian childhood - really!)
LOL - you are too funny!
Almost as funny as the picture of Jenny and I sitting by our dads, all four of us with Coors cans.
I think ours were empty, but that whole evening is sorta blurry.
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