Thursday, July 9, 2009

Be Still My Heart...

Seriously folks, WE HAVE A WINNER! This might actually be the sexiest man in the entire history of sexy menz. I would consider kicking Franky G to the curb for this hot piece. But please don't tell Franky that - the news would devastate him.

Anywhore, all I remember about this picture is that it was taken on a handball court in NYC. Does anyone have any idea who he is? An address would be ideal - I haven't stalked anyone in AGES.

Thanks to Mark In DE for sending me this hunky piece of heaven.


mikeinbama said...

You better warm up before you stalk, I wouldn't want you to pull a muscle.

Unknown said...

But isn't the point of stalking to eventually believe you will be pulling muscles at every conceivable moment?

Mark in DE said...

I'd say I know what David likes!

behrmark said...

Oh my. My my my. I just may have to move to NYC and help you stalk him.

Angel said...

I agree Mark!!!! and Howard! you are a BADDDDDD boy!

Go for it need to sex this man up!!!!!

Dan said...

i will come stalk him with you!

Dwight said...

Um ... kerbdgvejhbkisod djfnkz jsdnfjs kjsdk sdjfue! That's all my brain can muster! HOT PAPI!

mark said...

i think i will start hanging out at ball courts!!!!

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