Saturday, July 25, 2009

Commendable Comments

It's time once again to feature some of the most memorable comments from the past couple of weeks. But first let me thank you all once again for commenting on my posts - it makes this whole blogging even more enjoyable.

Dan had the following to say about THIS post ...

"Um- is he about to put a butt plug in that cat's ass?"

Tom A. - who just started a BLOG of his own about life in the D.C. burbs - had a question about this Happy Hump Day post...

"Is that an ass or a tray table? I'm ready for my snack now!"

Finally, The Fabulous Miss Ginger Grant left the following comment regarding today's "Every Once In A While You Gotta Have Some Chicken" POST...

"Bak! Bak! Bak! BAAAAAAK! Here, chicky, chicky, chicky!"



Unknown said...

Oh, Miss Ginger wins for me. That cracked me up sooooooo much!

Marker said...

Huge apologies in advance for being a Total Buzzkill, but David, what is even a part of the flag of Jamaica doing on your blog???

I know that extremely fine ass is the focus of that photo, but still . . . I get hives even thinking about that dreadful, homophobic country.

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