Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Going Green


behrmark said...

I propose that we recycle these start...then I'll use them...then pass them along to the next person...and so on and so forth.

gaysean said...

Matthew Rush is hot but I don't like his newer tattoos.

Marker said...

gaaysean beat me too it - I wish Matthew Rush had not had that big ugly tattoo emblazoned forever on his massive pec.


Dan said...

that last boys eyes!

Deep Dish said...

I choose Chris Rockway. There's just something about that boy that makes my raspberry swirl.

Anonymous said...

i think i'll go green tomorrow.

Mark in DE said...

Matthew Rush's expression looks like he just got a wiff of STANK!

Chris Rockway is a dreamboat.

Unknown said...

remember when matthew rush was so pretty? now he's just puffy, particularly the face. not attractive.

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