Friday, July 17, 2009

My Favorite Things - Lovely Beverages

OMG - I just discovered Pepsi Max - which has no calories, no carbs, no sugar - and a buttload of caffeine. Perfect for a heavy night of blogging. Except for the fact that I tend to get a little chatty even though I usually blog by myself and I don't have anyone to chat with wow this is really good soda I wonder if I have any more if I don't I'll have to go to the store because I don't want to run out wait what was I doing again? ...

When I don't want the caffeine, there's always the Wal-Mart version of "Crystal Light". The good thing about it is that costs less than $2.00, as opposed to the MORE THAN 6 BUCKS Crystal Light can cost in Manhattan. And it comes in many delicious flavors (grape and cherry are my faves). Unfortunately I have to take a bus to Secaucus, NJ in order to visit Wal-Mart, as there are none in NYC ...

My favorite tea is Bigelow's Constant Comment, which I drink every morning. I hate coffee (yeah, I know that's weird) so I drink tea. This week I made the mistake of buying DECAF Constant Comment - so I've had to take a few swigs of Pepsi Max in the morning to wake me up! ...

And, of course, my favorite beverage of all - the nectar of the Gods - Bacardi Limon. Believe it or not, I've only had Bacardi Limon ONCE since DDBW {{said as single tear falls down my cheek}}. I miss you, Baby...


Joy said...

I like Constant Comment tea, too, and have that or various other kinds in the morning. I'm in the Coke camp instead of Pepsi and drink Coke Zero or Diet Coke with no caffeine. I'm not a big coffee drinker but drink a cup or two several morning.

I like knowing what you like to drink for some reason. If you visit, I'll be sure to stock some. :-)

C'est moi, c'est moi Lola said...

Wow, DD, you've just started the blogosphere's first Constant Comment fan club! I drink mine in the afternoon though, close to tea-time.

I refuse to drink Pepsi Max, however. I was part of a guinea pig session (aka focus group) in school on that one. Also, one of my professors drank the stuff like water, and would go off on tangents during night class. Seriously, he went off for 30 minutes about how Katharine Hepburn was fabulous, and for the first time I wondered if he was gay. So yeah, it can make you a motormouth....

David Dust said...

Joy - I'll definitely visit one of these days!

C'est moi - Darling, if he was going on and on about Kate Hepburn being fabulous, then he was/is probably gay. Caffeine or no...


Kailyn said...

I too drink tea. I usually have anywhere from 5 to 10 kinds at home. My tummy no longer likes coffee first thing in the morning. I used to drink Crystal Light in college. We bought in bulk at Costco.

behrmark said...

Here's a little tip I got from a personal trainer: sugar free Crystal Lite (or its equivalent) mixes quite well with vodka.

Oh and just for the record, I drink coffee, tea, and Cherry Coke Zero. But I can't handle Constant Comment. I'd rather drink a nice Earl Grey or English Breakfast blend. (There may be a reason I live on the west coast!)

Anonymous said...

you should totally go to Puerto Rico and get a tour of the Bacardi distillery... the day ends up on a very happy note with free samples of anything in the bar...

the dogs' mother said...

In Canada my parents drank tea.
When were in England we drank tea.
But in college I got hooked on coffee
and it's been coffee ever since.
You aren't allowed to live in the state of Washington unless you drink Starbucks!

Mistress Maddie said...

I love tea also girl. I'll have to make you the Mistress's Iced Tea when you come in September. And don't worry about the abesence of Limon, I have a feeling you will be getting to drink again next month real soon!

Marker said...

J'adore Constant Comment. It's the best.

And I have a question: Speaking of DDBWs, when is the next one??

Beth said...

I don't drink coffee, either, unless it's the occasional iced coffee, or a cafe au lait from Cafe du Monde in New Orleans. I'm mostly off of caffeine, and my favorite (non-alcoholic) beverage is Lipton Diet Green or White Tea (various flavors). XOXO

Robguy said...

We have similar tastes. I discovered Pepsi Max when I moved to Australia 2.5 years ago. Instead of the Crystal Light knock-offs (which I drank when in the States, only I got them at Pick N Save), we have cordial which is sold in 2 litre jugs - makes 10 litres. Some have real juice.

Another thing I found here that is recently available in the States: Tim Tams. Pepperidge Farms just started making these delicious chocolate cookie.

theminx said...

I can't have caffeine, so I try to avoid cola. But I can't resist diet Dr Pepper. Otherwise, I like Pepsi One.

Crystal Light goes on sale in the summer - down from $5 to $3 in these parts, so I stock up. I like the Pink Lemonade flavor best, but also like the Red Grapefruit. And the lemon tea tastes a lot like real brewed iced tea. But yes, so spendy.

I love tea and have been drinking a lot of the naturally decaf Rooibos. The vanilla rooibos at Staryucks is especially tasty. I also like Celestial Seasonings Roastaroma, which tastes a bit like coffee but is decaf.


Mark in DE said...

You made a believer out of me with that Bicardi Limon!

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