Monday, July 27, 2009

White Meat Monday Hunk of the Day - Mat Lutge

Mat Lutge, 22, is a Personal Trainer from South Africa. He is 6 feet 4 inches tall, and wears a size 12 1/2 shoe ... you do the math.


David Dust said...

It WAS a typo. But I don't doubt for one second that you couldn't make Mr. Lutge quite happy :)


Anonymous said...

big shoes

Dan said...

I just happen to be looking for a personal trainer! I wonder if he travels to Chicago.

Anonymous said...

Very very nice! I'm sure he has no problem getting clients.

mackson said...

I am naughty one of this blogs followers..I am a client , especially his...Just kidding...Love ya

RAD said...

fricken YUM!!!

Mark in DE said...

Wow, me REALLY likee!!!

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