The second set of Levi Johnston pics have been released. They're OK, but I still wish he would have shown the "Moose Meat".
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too chubby ...lose some weight
Corvedacosta - "Too chubby"? You have got to be fucking kidding me! FYI: gay "Weight Nazi's" like yourself really piss me off.
Then I checked your blog and found THESE words, which you wrote about Sarah Palin ...
The political pundits who spewed hate against this lady will cringe when their deepest fears are realized when she inevitably runs for President the next time around. Please clear the thought of a second term for Obama. The economic situation will change all those dreams. The fact is Sarah Palin represents to the ‘tee’ the ideal Republican Party candidate and could be a force to reckon with if she makes that decision to do the right thing.
So, not only are you a damn dirty "Sizeist", you are also a fucking right-wing idiot. I value all of my dear DavidDust readers. However, if you're going to hate on "chubby" and love on that moron Sarah Palin, I have just two words for you...
Actually, I got two more words ...
Don't bother replying ... I will not approve any more of your comments.
I would entertain Mr. Levi ANYTIME!! I think he looks great!
I'm with you, David. Levi might not be the most beautiful boy to have ever lived, but he looks damn good. So, if the worst someone could come up with is he needs to drop a little weight, he must be great. Cause if the complainer is a follower of the Moose Mess, they must be right at home with failing to consider facts.
I'm said it before and I'll say it again: "Meh."
the "second set" must be code for AFTER airbrushing! He looks 100% better on the same day?!
He's not gorgeous, really. I mean, we were ALL cute when we were 20.
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