Thursday, March 25, 2010

Giving It Another Try...

Starting this morning I'm giving the whole weight loss/healthier living thing another shot.  I've decided to go low-carb this time - since a few years ago I lost 90 pounds this way and kept it off for a couple of years.  FYI: if someone leaves a comment about how low carb isn't the way to go, I will hunt you down and shove a cupcake up your...

...ANYWHOO, now that the weather is getting nice I will also try to walk home from work (2 1/2 miles) at least 3 times/week.  Walking in NYC is one of the only forms of exercise I don't despise, so again I'm going to do something that has worked for me in the past.

I probably won't blog about this very much at first - but if things go well I'll let you know.  However, if I don't mention it again then just assume that I failed miserably.


kayce. said...

well, i -LIKE- cupcakes in my arse (how'd you know, boo?), so long as they're red velvet ~ b/c i'm a southern lady. with that in mind, let me just say: low-carb ISN'T the way to go... *braces self*

LMAO ~ kidding, kidding ~ do what feels right for you. and at least you'll be able to eat more NOMables this way. :)) good luck! i am proud of you for beginning again and being willing to share it w/ the DB nation. i know you'll do fabulously... just don't be hard on yourself if you don't live up to your own high standards. i make bad decisions all the time (didn't work out yesterday, and instead ate 7 milanos: worth it), but it's about being ok w/ them, letting them go, and trying again.


behrmark said...

Good for you David! We're here for you as a support team. Oh...and if you have any cupcakes left over I'd love one....or three.

MCWolfe said...

Hey, David, far be it from me to say low carb isn't it. For me, it is as long as I get good, lowfat protein and lots of vegetables. I lost 35 pounds that way and kept it off for a long time but as soon as I let bread back in my life, the weight started piling back on. I'm with Kayce, it is all about knowing what works best for you and clearly you do.

Just read a great line - "I did beats I will, any day." Make today a day that you did, and know that your dust bunnies love you a bunch no matter what.

MJ said...

Good luck!!! I am seriously thinking of going on the Subway diet...they make a tasty vegetarian sandwich. Need to seriously ramp up my metabolism and know the best way is exercise.
Now if I weren't so damned depressed, I might even be successful.
I hope this works for you....

the dogs' mother said...

Eventually you *have* to go low carb (when type 2 hits and you sooooo don't want to go there). I get my carbs from veggies, fruit, milk and 2 squares of 70% dark chocolate a day because without chocolate LIFE IS NOT WORTH LIVING!!!!
Big hugs and takes us some good pictures around NYC. I always look for the one kid I know that lives in NYC - hey, it could happen! said...

Good luck handsome, I am also feeling that struggle right now.

Bill O'Rourke said...

If this new diet means eating a lot of red meat, do be careful. If you get into the habit of eating too much of that stuff now, then when you turn 40 or 50, you risk gout, which is no fun at all. Now, many people think that gout is caused from sweets. Thank God they're basically wrongo since I love my cupcakes, too, and have been known to bake them at home every other week or so.

Anonymous said...

Good luck!!

Anonymous said...

Every diet and every exercise are successful when the person is committed.

Eat better - more organic and less processed

Move more - walking home is great, you could add a one block sprint to really rev things up

The more people you tell and the more often you tell them, the greater success you'll have.


Bob said...

Walking is good!
I'm on Team David in this one!


Romance said...

Good luck. There is no one solution to weight loss. You need to take an approach that works for you and won't kill you like- say meth and coffee and unfiltered ciggies. Aside from that kind of diet - I don't think there there are too may wrongs- low fat, low cal, low carb. Whatever works for you and keeps you healthy. Good luck. Be nice to yourself.

theminx said...

Low carb didn't work for me, but it's been my brother's choice for 10 years now. A good excuse to eat bacon and eggs for breakfast every morning. :)

We'll have to plan other dining options when I'm in NY next month - Korean and Arby's are no-nos for you now!


Big Mark 243 said...

Way to go!! Three days a week of 5 miles of walking is an excellent place to start.

If you had success with the low carb thing, then by all means go on that program again. Good luck.

Paul Benjamin said...

Best of luck to you, sir! I am a big fan of trying to be healthier and improving our lives. I wish the best for you. Keep us posted!

Wonder Man said...

I know you can do this

Joy said...

Low-carb works for me. After a little while on it, I have more energy and don't mind walking for exercise. There are recipes online for low-carb dishes that are really good when you get bored with what you're doing. Good luck! I'm in this with you - literally.

As Froggy said, you have to eat low-carb if you get Type II, and trust us, you don't want that.

Ken Riches said...

Best of luck in this. Part of the key will be to find something that works in good weather and sucky winter.

TonyJoe said...

Heya David, I know it's not easy but keep at it. It can be frustrating at times but the end result, just being healthier, is a great one.

Given the impressive focus you've displayed on your stellar blog on I've no doubt that you can be focused in this too :)

Anonymous said...

You can do it! Different approaches work for different people, there isn't one way to get healthy! Okay, this means I need to hop back on the wagon, doesn't it?

mrs.missalaineus said...

i love the dreamfields low carb pasta and recommend it to everyone whether they are trying to reduce carb intake or not. the ronzoni smart choice is also pretty good but not as low in carbs.

good luck and know we are all cheering you on!


Miss Ginger Grant said...

Actually, on this low carb diet you COULD eat Arby's, if you forego the curly fries and throw the bun away!!
or, you could promise yourself an ARby's "cheat day"every now and then to celebrate when you reach milestones!
This diet would not work for Miss Ginger, because, alas, Pinot Grigio is a carb!
But at this point, no other diet is working for Miss Ginger, either, so perhaps she will join you!

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