Friday, May 21, 2010

Adam Ant Sent To The Crazy House

I LOVED Adam Ant (above) in high school, so I was saddened to learn that he's become crazier than a sack of rabid weasels.  In fact, Mr. Ant was recently committed to a London mental hospital.  Via Dlisted.

Here is a less insane (???) Adam in his video for Stand and Deliver, one of my childhood jams ...


Wonder Man said...

that is sad, wow. Really?

Anonymous said...

Sad, sad, sad. I had a little crush on him in jr. high, even though I wasn't supposed to listen to secular music.

Big Mark 243 said...

Yeah I had seen that he was cutting up some where on the interwebs... still, I wonder what his new release will sound like?

Oh the memories of tunes like 'Dirk Wears White Socks' and 'Friend or Foe'... in fact, 'Car Trouble' describe my experiences with my first car, a light blue VW 412!!

I am rambling... going to get back to watching 'Cabaret' and chill for a bit!!

SteveA said...

Oh no! A fan I am!

Martha said...

Not "crazy"; bi-polar. It's a fairly common illness that means on the upswing he's very up, and the downswing he's very down, and in between it's a bit ... interesting. But it's not the same as being full time mad.
Hopefully with the right treatment, rest and medication he'll be well again soon.

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