Thursday, September 2, 2010

Bloomberg For Treasury Secretary?

According to the New York Post's Page Six (which, in case you didn't know, is the gossip - not politics - section), the Obama administration is trying to woo NYC Mayor Michael Bloomberg to become Treasury Secretary.  If this happened, he would replace Timothy Geithner, who many blame (at least partially) for this country's current economic woes.  The Bloomberg chatter started after the President and the Mayor played a four-hour golf game during the President's recent vacation on Martha's Vineyard (above).

Here's my opinion: I think Bloomberg would be good for the job.  After all, a guy with 20 billion (with a "B") dollars isn't beholden to anyone or any special interest. I also think Bloomberg has been a reasonably good Mayor, however that might just be because Rudy Giuliani was such a spectacularly assholish tyrant that anyone would seem good by comparison.

The only thing is, Bloomberg isn't used to working FOR someone (namely, President Obama).  He went from running his own company to running the City of New York.  Why in the hell would a multi-billionaire want the thankless job of being Treasury Secretary during the worst economic crisis since the Great Depression?  Also, Bloomberg spent a ton of money getting the law changed to he could be elected to a third term as Mayor - would he really leave City Hall after all of that?

What do you think, would Bloomberg be a good or bad Treasury Secretary?


the dogs' mother said...

Could we ask him to contribute a few extra billions to the cause?

Kwana said...

Oh this pic makes me mad because i just can't deal with the Mayor. The school are in the toilet and all this came out AFTER he got elected by such a slim margin. Also the harassment of minorities in the city is just terrible I've seen it first hand. I can't deal with him. But if it will get him out of NY I'm for it I guess. No, really I'm not.

Beth said...

I think he'd be good. I can only speak to what I've seen from him on the national stage, and I've been fairly impressed.

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