Friday, September 17, 2010

BunnyNation Action Alert - DADT!

Dearest DustBunnies,

I don't ask you for much - just reading my blog and maybe leave a comment or two is usually enough.  But today I really need you to do me (and your country) a favor.  TODAY you need to call your Senators (both of them), and ask them to vote to repeal the Don't Ask Don't Tell (DADT) policy.

From the Servicemembers Legal Defense Network (SLDN):
SENATE VOTE VERY TIGHT: For repeal to happen advocates need more senators on board to break John McCain’s filibuster. All supporters must call their senators now.
--Susan Collins (R-ME)
--Olympia Snowe (R-ME)
--Mark Pryor (D-Ark.);
--Richard Lugar (R-IN);
--Judd Gregg (R-NH);
--Jim Webb (D-VA)
--George Voinovich (R-OH);

All you have to do is call the Capital Switchboard at (202) 224-3121 and ask to be transferred to your Senator's office. If you don't know who your Senators are, go HERE and find out.

It's really easy to do. Watch Lauren and Ellie from Boulder, Colorado call their Senator - and then encourage their friends to do the same...

I called both my Senators this afternoon - Kirsten Gillibrand and Chuck Schumer - even though they are both strongly committed to repealing DADT.  I called the Switchboard, asked to be transferred to Senator _______ 's office, and when the receptionist answered I asked to leave a message for the Senator.  Both of my Senators' offices took actual messages (as opposed to voicemail) - so I courteously said:
"I am asking Senator _________ to vote in favor of repealing Don't Ask Don't Tell".
That was it - easy as pie. Senator Gillibrand's office asked me my name and zip code (to make sure I was a consituent), Schumer's did not.

So, again, I am asking all of you to take 3 minutes out of your day - RIGHT NOW - and call your Senators at (202) 224-3121.  This is especially important if you are a resident of Maine, Arkansas, Indiana, Virginia and Ohio (see above), but EVERYONE needs to do this. Even if you live in a state with two conservative Republican Senators, call their offices and let your voice be heard.

Darlings, again - I don't ask you for much - but today I'm asking you to make two quick and easy phone calls.  The BunnyNation, much like Glen Close in Fatal Attraction, will NOT BE IGNORED!! ...

For more ways to get involved, go to SLDN HERE.  And please let us know (in the Comments) how your phone calls went.


the dogs' mother said...

Interesting - both our senators are lady democrats. I went to their websites and DADT doesn't EXIST! There are no search results for it! No policy statements, NO NOTHING. Nothing about gay rights or gay VOTERS. I sent them both an email. For you, David, only for you, they now both have my email and phone number.

David Dust said...

Dearest Froggy -

LOL. I know what a big deal that is for you (seriously, I do!). Thank you.


Bob said...

Keep spreadin' the word. i've made my calls, and sent emails and regular mail, butm being in backassward South Carolina, well, I fought the good fight.


Wonder Man said...

BunnyNation attack the phones!

Mark in DE said...

Hey, if Lady Gaga will do it, so should we!

Anonymous said...

I actually did this early this morning, at the urging of a friend!

Beth said...

I will do so Monday! (I'm guessing they'll be closed this weekend.)

Sen. Lugar is usually a fairly socially liberal guy, so I'm hoping he'll see reason.


Joy said...

I've sent them emails about marriage equality, DADT, healthcare, education, and abortion and received those form letters from them. Well, it is Lamar Alexander and Bob Corker the Whiner. I called about DADT, but it will do about as much good as my vote does here. I will continue to vote and email and call though. This needs to happen.

MJ said...

My senators, Feinstein and Boxer,
are both sponsoring this legislation.

the dogs' mother said...

Update - friend found very positive stuff on Senator Patty Murray's (D-WA) site. Since she is running for re-election I want to correct the record, so to speak, as this race is in the toss-up category from time to time.

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