Monday, September 13, 2010

Tea Baggers Rally In Washington

The totally non-racist good Christian Tea Baggers held their second annual 9/12 Rally for a Whiter America SOMETHING yesterday.  And here are some of their totally peaceful, do-unto-others Christian signs.

God Bless Amurka.

Source: TPM via Joe.My.God


the dogs' mother said...

There was a tea party rally here at our federal building plaza. 200-ish people showed up drawing from a metro area of 100,000+.

Manhandler said...

That first sign is very telling at what lurks in the heart of many advocates of the so-called Tea Party movement: racism. They want a "restoration" of white-controlled America. They chafe at being led by an African-American president. If Obama was white, those kinds of signs wouldn't exist and the tea baggers wouldn't be nearly as loud nor as numerous.

Wonder Man said...

These people need to wake up

Joy said...

Make them go away! Please!

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