Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Texts From My Mother ...

The above was an honest-to-Jeebus real text message I received from Mama Bunny yesterday afternoon. Suffice to say I'm EXTREMELY relieved that Mom chose her childhood dream of being Shirley Temple (below), as opposed to becoming a Motorcycle Mama ...


the dogs' mother said...

The Entire Dust Bunny Nation is relieved!

kayce. said...

mama bunny is the best ~ i'd pay to receive random texts like that, LOL.

Joy said...

Love it! How did you get that Blackberry w/ message on there? Is there a site to do this? That's neat!

David Dust said...

Auntie Flame -

Yeah, I found a Blackberry sign generator somewhere ... and of course now I can't find it anymore.


Anonymous said...

I love your mama!

Wonder Man said...

lol, I hope she has fun

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