Thursday, September 16, 2010

Top Chef Season Finale

Holy Crap!!!  I missed almost all of Top Chef last night, but luckily I happened to walk into the living room just as Padma said ...

"Kevin, YOU are Top Chef!"

Congratulations Daddy!!!

But honestly - all I could think about when I heard that My Kevin won were my blogger friends who weren't too fond of my boyfriend-in-my-head. I cannot wait to read what Bob and The Minx have to say about this ...


the dogs' mother said...

We were rooting for Ed. But then we got distracted by Top Dessert (yummmm chocolate) and forgot all about Top Chef.

Bob said...

I was nice.

I was!


Joy said...

OMG yes to the chocolate distractions of Just Desserts! Such decadent pleasure!

I felt about the same toward all three of the finalists, so it was OK with me whoever won. For some reason it seemed anticlimactic.

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