Tuesday, September 7, 2010

What a Lovely Weekend!

I had such a great long weekend that I just had to share.  After all, it's not often that I make it to The Urges AND to Arby's - let alone all in the same weekend!

Friday night I met my blogger buddy Ivan from Queer Iv, and we headed to The Urge.  The dancers were Papilicious (like the one above) and the drinkies were tasty.  And as we walked in, both Ivan and myself were greeted with lovely crotchgrabs from some drunk at the bar! I thought the fine art of manhandling had been lost in the gay community - what with all the twittering, texting and craigslisting that goes on these days. Back in my day, when you thought someone was attractive, you walked up to them and got yourself a handful!  I'm glad to see this tradition lives on within the hallowed halls of The Urges.

As an added bonus, I got to meet longtime DustBunny Reid (and his delightful boyfriend) who were visiting from The Great White North.  It was wonderful to finally put a face to the name - and they were both just as sweet and fun as could be - as was my loyal companion Ivan.

The next afternoon (after I shook the drunken cobwebs from my brain), my BFF and I took a subway then a bus to Middle Village, Queens to feast on some delicious Roast Beef ...

It was WELL worth the schlep and the cuisine was delish - the perfect cure for the post-Urge hangovers.

Sunday and Monday were spent on the computer, doing household crap and basking in the glow of gogo's and curly fries.

How was YOUR weekend??


the dogs' mother said...

Relatively dull, comparatively. :-)

Wonder Man said...

I want to go to the Urges. Great you had a good weekend

Tivo Mom said...

It does sound like fun. We were low-key with a lot of rain but I did manage an Egg McMuffin with a large coke on Sunday after a few too many on Saturday. Happy Tuesday friend.

nitrox11 said...

My weekend?Completelely taken up with last minute planning for my trip to San Francisco and spontaneoulsy booking a trip to Tromso to see the northern lights in Jnauary. I haven't been on holiday for AGES so to be going on one trip this week and booking my next before I even leave for this one is FUN. Can you tell i am excited?

I've not been to an Arby's yet on my trips to the US. If I see one in SF I will pop in, soley based on your enthusiasm for it!

Does anyone know if they have White Castle in SF. I know if they do I will succumb to their high end cuisine....

Joy said...

I'm glad you had a good weekend filled with two of your favorite guilty pleasures! Way to go!

Brendan was here the whole weekend, so I had an active, talkative, interactive time! It was fun.

Anonymous said...

Whoo hoo! Sounds like a fantastic weekend. What a great delayed b-day! Mine was super quiet, lots of coughing and hacking, but at the end, I feel much better.

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