Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Happy Hump Day!

I get dibs on the second guy (from the left). Do you see the way he's looking at me?? Seriously, I think this one might just be THE ONE ...



Miss Ginger Grant said...

I'll take last pick! And props to the queen who designed their uniforms!!!!

TOUCH said...


Peter said...

David, better dust off your French, these are Paris Pompiers [Firemen].

I must agree he has great ass-ets, must be from running up and down those ladders.

js said...

I must tell you these are french firemen !!! I would like to be able to say I know one of them personnally I don't.
Kisses; JS from Paris

David Dust said...

How's this? ...

"Voulez-vous coucher avec moi (ce soir)?"



Peter said...

Yeah, David that will work!

David Dust said...

Dearest Peter -

Patti Labelle taught me all the French I'll ever need to know!



DB said...

If you've good eyesight then you'll notice there are hand / fingerprints all over the ass of the fireman on the right . . . guess he's the "pass-around"

David Dust said...

Dear UK -

WOW - you have GREAT eyesite.


Anonymous said...

I see visible panty lines on one and three.

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