Thursday, October 28, 2010

Marie Claire: "Fat People Kissing = Ewwwwwww"

Marie Claire relationship blogger Maura Kelly wrote a blog post yesterday which asked the question - "Should Fatties Get a Room (Even on TV)?", referring to the new sitcom Mike & Molly (which features an overweight couple who met at Overeaters Anonymous - above). Kelly's conclusion? YES - fat people are gross and should be rounded up and shipped off to Fat People Colonies (AKA "Alabama"). Or something like that.

Let's just say that people have NOT been happy with Ms. Kelly and her Chubbaphobia. The Marie Claire blog post has gotten over 1700 comments, most of which call the author a "stupidskinnybitch" and/or a "retarded Neanderthal who has to shave her knees and knuckles just to keep from looking like Sasquatch on Rogaine". Ok, I made that up, but I just want her to know that us Fatties can be mean too.

Marie Claire Editor in Chief (and Nina Garcia's boss) Joanna Coles defended the post, saying that the writer was "excited and moved" by all the comments. I guess by "excited and moved", she meant "excited about moving out of her current apartment, because fat people keep throwing empty McRib boxes at her".

I think Maura Kelly needs to be shipped off to a Horrible People Colony (AKA "Fox News Headquarters and/or Dick Cheney's House"). What do you think??


Unknown said...

She might be ignorant, but her copy editor needs to be spanked, and not in a good way. It is their job to not let the writers appear as stupid as they really are...

the dogs' mother said...

oh, yah! The bitch is going down!!! Shame on Marie Claire for even letting that get out of editing!

Kevin said...

This "writer" is out of touch and ignorant to make such statements about a group of people these days. As many journalists before her, she should be released from her position. Shame on the editors of Marie Claire and the fashion industry as a whole for promoting the perfect unachieveable model look which many in the industry have been trying to fight for years. This stupid girl just set them all back by about 20 years.

Tom A. said...

I almost wonder if it's a publicity stunt for this wretched show than no one watches!

Or if it's more about her hatred of fat women- since fat guys on sitcoms have been getting the hot babes for years! If he had a skinny girlfriend, she's probably not have said anything.

I sat through two eps of the show, and it's one fat joke after the next. ugg. Sad, because I LOVE the woman playing Molly!

Bob said...

She needs a Sassy Gay friend to tell her that she's a stupid, Stupid Bitch.

I volunteer.

behrmark said...

I don't know this Marie Claire person and I don't watch the show, "Mike and Molly." BUT as a chub let me just say that if 50% of America is overweight isn't it g-dammed time we started seeing realistic portrayals on TV? Sure, seeing buff hotties is always nice but M&M offers the realistic viewpoint and - more to the point - hope for those of us who have more to love.

Wonder Man said...

That Bitch!

Beth said...

Bitch needs to eat a doughnut and get laid, in that order. :P

I've watched that show from the start, and I can say that it is sweet and funny and sometimes edgy, and the two main characters are smart, funny, and appealing. Shame on the woman for writing such a horrible piece, and shame on the magazine for publishing it.


Miss Ginger Grant said...

Shame on Joanna Coles for defending it! I'm thinking the peeps at Marie Claire need to come down off their high horse- most people have never even HEARD of that magazine, and NO ONE reads it!!

Mistress Maddie said...

Live and let live I say....meanwhile I'm heading to Arbys to get five beef n chedders to shove down that bitches thoat! Thats should shut her the hell up! And shame on Marie Claire for taking the angle, that rag! This is why I like Vogue and Anna Wintour better!

Distant Lover said...

All of us plus size people should sit on her after eating Mexican food!!!!

David Dust said...

Owen -

I'll bring the burritos!!


mrs.missalaineus said...

let's all sue the magazine for giving us eating disorders.

maybe we need to lodge a protest at the marie-claire headquarters. who is up for a road trip?


David Dust said...

Miss A -

It's only about a 15 minute subway ride from my apartment. I'll meet ya!


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