Sunday, April 3, 2011

Bunday - Caption This ...

OK my darling DustBunnies, I have a busy Sunday morning planned so Mama's gonna let you play in the Comments section while she TCB's (Takes Care of Bidness).

The Bunny who comes up with the best caption for the above picture will win the coveted "DustBunny of the Day" award (below) for tomorrow - suitable for framing! Have at it, my little Loves...



Anonymous said...

she gazed longingly... hoping the 'big ears, big all over' rumor was true

Miss Ginger Grant said...

You dumbass! I told you that stupid hole led to the middle of nowhere!

the dogs' mother said...

LOL! I have to say I vote for dot4668.

BlogMarkBlog said...

He couldn't hide his disappointment when his offer to multiply like rabbits was met with her buying a calculator.

Bittybis said...

Alice realized this had not been the best moment to tell the White Rabbit she was late.

Joy said...

I'm not good at captioning but enjoy reading these good ones!

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