Thursday, June 9, 2011

Chopped Liver

Heading back to Dr. Bunny today for more liver evaluations. Apparently my latest test results were still not great. {{{sigh}}}



theminx said...

Well, at least chopped liver is delicious. So is foie gras. :)

I'm thinking happy thoughts for you!


Sam said...

Sis, Bill and I are here for you. It's probably your medication. Xoxo

the dogs' mother said...

crossing fingers, toes, bunny ears..

mrs.missalaineus said...

thinking of you....


Miss Ginger Grant said...

Good luck! Keep us posted!

Joy said...

Thinking about you and sending lots of love! And what Sam said.


gman7157 said...

Hope you get some good news -- sending positive thoughts & big hugs your way! xoxoxox

Anonymous said...

Had some sketchy aka off the chart liver function tests several years ago; it took a year of wishin'/hopin'/no drankin' to get them back to normal and no cause was ever found other than "the most likely culprit was probably an unidentified virus" So hang in there!!!

Sassy said...

Best wishes sweetie. Hopefully it's something simple like you take to much Tylenol...


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