Tuesday, June 21, 2011


Three days ago I featured THIS model (above), and mentioned that he lived in my neighborhood and that I'd keep an eye out for him. Three days later?? JACKPOT:

Am I good, or what?!?



soulbrotha said...

Is that in NYC? Anywhere near the Upper West Side?

nitrox11 said...

Spill the beans, how did you find him? You've not been to work have you? Just been prowling the streets, stalking your prey?

David Dust said...

Soulbrotha - I saw him in Astoria, Queens. Near the corner of Broadway and Steinway.

Nitrox - I happened to leave work early today, and when I got off the subway - there he was.

Furthermore - About 15 minutes ago I walked over to the grocery store (around the corner from my apartment), and I spotted him AGAIN - this time on my street. He was still with the same two friends, and they were just wandering around being cute.


Sam said...

Ho it's destiny. You are meant to be together. Xoxo

Mark in DE said...

You are amazing! Maybe I should put you on the case of my missing mp3 player. You've got 3 days. ;-)

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