Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Marcus Bachmann: Born This Way

Marcus "Little Monster" Bachmann shows
his wife how to "Put Her Paws Up"

"Gay people who point out how fruity Bachmann is aren’t saying there’s something wrong with being fruity, or with being gay, or with guys who look, speak, walk, or dance the way Bachmann does. A lot of us look, speak, walk, and dance that way. And we don’t think there’s anything wrong with us for looking, speaking, walking, or dancing that way. I’ve never met a gay man who objected to Modern Family’s Cam, who looks, speaks, walks, and dances the Bachmann way. And we certainly don’t think there’s anything wrong with being gay. But Marcus Bachmann sure does. He thinks there’s a whole lot wrong with being gay. And when we point out that this same Marcus Bachmann acts like a huge homo—like a huge, messy, married, dishonest, closeted version Cam—we’re not mocking the fruits. We’re hoisting that pansy with his own hateful petard.

Marcus Bachmann is attacking us and we’re claiming him. We’re embracing him, we’re saying that we recognize ourselves in him, we’re turning the stigma Marcus Bachmann promotes back on Marcus Bachmann."

... Dan Savage: Marcus Bachmann, Queen for a Day




Bob said...

Love love love Dan!

theminx said...

I think that anyone so concerned with "saving" gays from their own biology is struggling with being gay himself. Someday, when Bachmann is out of the political arena, he'll come out.


BosGuy said...

That is a brilliant statement from Dan Savage.

the dogs' mother said...

I read this yesterday http://tinyurl.com/3mv65e8
and wonder if it will become a *thing*. So far has not made it to the MSM.

Joy said...

To paraphrase Robert Burns, "If only Bachman could see himself as others see him!" Love Dan and how well he expresses how things are.

What is tragic is how the Bachmans are so filled with self hate that they turn it on others.

theminx said...

Have you seen this? http://tinyurl.com/3o64pxr

Stan in NH said...

That's a brilliant statement from Dan Savage is right! I borrowed your picture of the Misses Bachmann. It fit perfectly with something I was complaining about. If you want me to give it back, I will. :)
Best wishes...

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