Friday, August 19, 2011

TGIF - Caption This

While (a handful of) you wait for me to do my Project Runway recap, let's play a lovely game of "Caption This"?!? As always, the winning Captioner (-ist?; -testant??) will be named "DustBunny of the Day" - so go for it!!!



mrs.missalaineus said...

imma gonna need a venti here.....

Rainbow said...

OMG I said fat free soy in my latte!!!

PFM7 said...

Quick, throw a bucket of water on the beached whale before it dies and blows up.

designing wally said...

Matt was always a firm believer in living up to his name in the most flamboyant way possible...

Unknown said...

No, the years hadn't been kind to Fat Albert, but it began to become more and more difficult to continue their zany adventures. The eventually parted ways because of what they called "artistic differences."

Anonymous said...

"I already have the pink one mummy" screamed Betty, throwing it to the ground.

Kauaiguy said...

Afterward, Miss Thang and her Juicy Couture never again ordered the extra biscotti, and the exploding Spanx incident was forgotten...

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