Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Let Me MULLET Over ...

I really wish the Internet would quite publishing pics from my childhood. Really, it's embarrassing...

Actually, that's a blatent lie - this picture CANNOT be me for two reasons: 1) My conservative dad would have frowned upon me wearing a hippy commie socialist tie-dyed t-shirt; and 2) I've never won anything in my life.

Therefore, this kid is not only more STYLISH than I was at his age (tie-dyed shirt), but more ACCOMPLISHED (trophy). But at least I had better hair back in the day - it was blond, feathered and FIERCE - and hair-sprayed within an inch of its life.

Photo Source: TDW

1 comment:

Sam said...

One word Ho.
aqua net.
In the red can bitch.

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