So while perusing the blogs yesterday, someone made a comment referring to Kevin as "Leonidas Fatone". I almost peed myself - it's SO true:
Friday, November 30, 2007
Project Runway - "Leonidas Fatone"
So while perusing the blogs yesterday, someone made a comment referring to Kevin as "Leonidas Fatone". I almost peed myself - it's SO true:
Thursday, November 29, 2007
Daddy Of The Day - Tiki Barber

Project Runway - Episode 3 - "Fashion Giant"
Just when you thought Project Runway couldn’t get any gayer, they go ahead and gay it up a notch with an episode filled with HOT MALE BODIES!!! It was all about the eye candy last night.
Highlights and Lowlights:
The show opened with the requisite shirtless shots of Jack, and I have to say, he looks pretty damn good. Not my type, but definitely still hot. That was the first eye-candy of the night.
The challenge this week was to create an outfit for Tiki Barber to wear at his new job on the Today Show. Before becoming a TV personality, he was a Running Back for the New York Giants football team (hence, the episode title "Fashion Giant"). The funniest shit was the fact that NONE of these queens and NONE of the girls knew who the HELL Tiki Barber was. Ricky just knew he was “gorgeous” (more eye candy!). Oh, that’s right, “Straight Guy” Kevin knew about Tiki. Because, you know, he’s straight.

Tiki Barber
The big drama was the fact that most of the designers had never done menswear, which is much more difficult to create than women’s wear. Straight Guy had some experience doing menswear (but not MEN – he’s straight, remember?!), so did Chris, and Kit has worked as a stylist for television – but the rest of them were kind of screwed. It was like two meth-heads having sex – this shit was gonna get sloppy and take FOREVER.
Jack immediately ripped off his shorts (always the first to take his clothes off) and used them as a pattern for some flat-front pants. He let Victorya and Carmen use his pattern as well. Some of the other designers were NOT happy about this – particularly my girl Sweet P, and Rami.
“Mango” (Christian) stated that since being in the bottom two last week, he’s not as confident as he once was. But then he adds "I just know that I make clothes better than a lot of the other designers”. He also brags constantly about his fast sewing skills. Yes, Mango’s still a cocky bitch, no matter what he says.
Then we have the REAL eye candy – MALE MODELS!! Those boys walked into the workroom and the women and queens were gagging! But not Straight Guy because, you know, he’s straight.
Mango had the hottest model – named “David” (nice name!). Oh my goodness this boy was hot. And he even gave Mango a little hug before leaving the workroom after his first fitting. I would have designed nothing but a thong for darling David, and then followed up with multiple fittings…

Mango's model - David
Elisa is still a lunatic. She was a little freaked out by all the male models taking their clothes off in the work room. In fact, she averted her eyes anytime her model took anything off. She said she was “shy”, and her boyfriend is the “only male that I choose to touch”. This bitch will spit on her fabric, but she won’t feel up a strapping young male model?!? CRAZY!
I have fallen SO out of love with Ricky. What a nasty queen!! The first thing he said to his adorable model was – “take your clothes off”. No “please”, no “I’ll buy you dinner”, no "come here often?", just “take your clothes off”! I’m sure that’s also the first thing he said to Jack after partnering on last week’s challenge.
Ricky then proceeded to tell his model that he was too busy to talk to him. His model was pretty cool about everything – I would have hit Ricky in the mouth. But the kicker was, when Ricky was WAY behind in finishing his design he asked his model to SEW ON BUTTONS! The model should have told that short little hat-wearing bitch to sew his own damn buttons!
Carmen was a train wreck. She didn’t even have time to make a shirt, so she used a scarf-like piece of fabric to make a fake shirt to wear under her HORRIBLE Member’s Only-Esque jacket. It was not cute.
The runway show was pretty bad, only a few of the designers had created wearable and complete looks. Jack did a simple pinstriped dress pant, and patterned shirt, and Kit had a nice look with a fleece jacket and khakis. The rest were either not finished (like Ricky, who had visible stick pins in his outfit because he didn’t finish sewing), or boring (Chris did all black – zzzzzzzzzzzz).
After the judges chatted, it came down to Jack and Kit as the best, and Ricky and Carmen on the bottom (Ricky is a bottom – again!). Jack won, and Tiki said he will be wearing the outfit on an upcoming Today Show appearance.
In the end, Carmen’s lack of a shirt, and overall horrible look did her in – she went home. Ricky lives to cry another day (which he did – AGAIN – in the green room after almost being eliminated). I am SO over him…
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
New York Teams May Fight Over Johan Santana

Both the New York Mets and the New York Yankees need a good pitcher next season. Johan Santana is one of the best - and he's available. I am saying my prayers RIGHT NOW for Papi to leave Minnesota and end up in NYC (please, please, please!). I could get used to looking at this fine-ass Venezuelan man all summer!
Drag Names
- Uma Asshurts
- Miss Spent Youth
- Amanda Reckenwhith
- Summer Clearance
- Sharon Needles
- Patty O'Furniture
- Wilma Fingerdu
- Suppositori Spelling
- Angie O'Plasty
- Shelita Buffet
- Devoida Talent
- Penny Costal
- Alsace Lorraine
- Ida Slapter
Do YOU have any favorites?
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
Daddy Of The Day - Victor Martinez

Victor Martinez is a 34 year-old professional bodybuilder from the Dominican Republic. Learn more about him here.