Hillary Clinton defied the pundits, mainstream media, and pollsters last night and won the New Hampshire primary. Just one day prior, the media was talking about disarray on her team, money troubles, and various other negatives that were almost definitely going to lead to an inevitable Obama nomination.
Word to the wise - never, EVER, count out the Clintons. EVER.
I was switching back and forth last night between MSNBC, CNN, and the Internet, and I have some observations:
- Chris Matthews from MSNBC is the MOST ANNOYING HUMAN BEING in the fucking galaxy. I like MSNBC election coverage because of Keith Olbermann, but the presence of Chris Matthews is enough to make me hit the "mute" button.
- Another "mute" button moment - John Edwards and his standard "Debbie Downer" concession speech. OMG - is it REALLY that bad out there? Edwards DID, however, have the hot plumber guy from Desperate Housewives standing behind him during his speech.
- What's the deal with Ron Paul? Why do all his supporters look like they just came from a Grateful Dead revival show? Who is giving him all that money?
- John McCain is about 187 years old.
I LOVE election season - this is really going to get interesting...
I'm not much into politics and by the time Kentucky has their primary in May it will all be over with. But it is hard to live in the capital city and avoid it. But I did get to meet Clinton when she was in Louisville. But I am also very partial to tall black men. What's a boy to do? My cousin is for Clinton so I will probably be to. All the gay boys in Louisville are for Obama.
I'm super excited about the race now too.
And I do not understand all the grungy boy love for Ron Paul: I heard that homeboy is against gun control and that he said if all those students at Virginia Tech were packing heat things would have gone down differently.
I must say - I'm partial to Hillary. I think a Clinton/Obama ticket would be unstopable.
You are 1000% correct re: Chris Matthews aka Tweety. WHY is he on the air?
I agree also.This race is really heating up. Being a "political wife"politics as hit the household and the hubby is all involved in this race and others.We are love Hillary as the front runner,but there is just something about Obama we liked in the begining, but we can't put a finger on what it is we don't likenow.
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