Friday, July 4, 2008

Hate-Filled PIG Has Died

Former Senator and disgusting racist/homophobe Jesse Helms has died. Read about some of his many atrocities here and here.

I bet it's unbearably HOT where he is right now.


Angel said...

"Ding dong, the witch is dead, the witch is dead, the witch is dead...ding dong, the wicked witch is dead!"

thanks for the song, Bean!

I hope he has one of those hand held little help cool himself off....

Anonymous said...

Let's hope. I live in the area where he grew up and they think he is a saint. Nice.

Anonymous said...

Such a huge batch of long time celebs biting the dust this year.

It will be interesting who and how many honor him compared to say...Tim Russet? so ultra conservative is what they call X-treme right wing?

Unfortunately there will be many of the same ill-willed ilk willing to take his place.

kayce. said...

hahaha, i know it's evil, but my sentiments exactly, my friend. when i read it, i literally said 'good', even tho i know thats seriously bad karma...

Anonymous said...

Yep and all I have to say is, "Buh-bye! Hope your seat in hell is populated by black, gay serial killers."

Renee said...

LMAO Jennie!

Jared said...

*fingers crossed* hoping Fred Phelps is next.

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